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Research Projects

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Below we present some of the main research and technology transfer projects conducted by Cedat85 in recent years in various fields related to Artificial Intelligence and in particular automatic voice recognition and its application in different contexts (media, call centres, healthcare, human-to-machine interaction, etc.).

Puglia Region ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020 Convergence Objective

Titolo II – Chapter 2 “Aid for integrated programmes promoted by SMEs”.

PIA Medium Enterprises, for a total of EUR 9 million.

Project Title: “Sp.E.S. multimodal universal Speech2text Eco System” for the construction of a multimodal ecosystem with high applicability of Speech-to-text, capable of solving the problems related to speech acquisition environments and developing an advanced, global and flexible automatic transcription system for the various applications of transcribed speech starting from reporting, subtitling, translation, with evolution of comprehension and summarisation capability.

Puglia Region ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020 Convergence Objective

Title II – Chapter 1 “Aid to investment programmes of large enterprises”. 

The company participated as an SME with a € 1.2 million euros worth project.

Project title: Corvallis 4.0 concerning the development of a “Health-remote assistance system” and “platform for the integration of social health and welfare services” using automatic voice recognition technologies.

Puglia Region ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020 Convergence Objective

Title II Chapter 2 “Aid for integrated programmes promoted by SMEs”.

PIA Medium-sized Enterprises, for a total of € 3.1 million euros.

Project title: BLOG “Biometric Log” for the construction of advanced and intelligent integrated systems capable of replacing the complex procedures based on passwords, pins, cards, and such which are sometimes difficult to remember and often unavailable when needed, with biometric identification technologies based on speech recognition technologies capable of simplifying access to services.

Puglia Region ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020 Convergence Objective

Title II – Chapter 2 “Aid for integrated programmes promoted by SMEs”.

PIA Medium Enterprises.

Project title: IDEALE “Intelligent Data Extraction and analisys in a totally accessed environment” aimed at the creation of “Virtual Assistants” that allow the use of the most advanced technologies in user interfaces as an innovative tool to help and simplify the work of those who work in companies or in the public sector both in contact with customers and in the monitoring of activities and analysis of market strategies;

Puglia Region Operational Programme ERDF 2007-2013 – Convergence Objective

ASSE I – Line of Intervention 1.4 – Action 1.4.1 “Aid for the dissemination of information and communication technologies in SMEs”.

Call for proposals 2011, for the acquisition of technological solutions and functional systems for the extended monitoring of information transmitted by television, radio and web broadcasters, through the acquisition and automatic cataloguing for subsequent research and processing of audio / video information.

Puglia Region POR FESR 2007-2013 Convergence Objective

AXIS I Line 1.2 Action 1.2.4 “Aid in support of Regional Partnerships for Innovation”

Project title: “CPBI Continuous Pervasive Business Innovation” for the development of voice recognition systems capable of allowing voice-only interaction in both input requests and output responses, analysing new user-device interaction modes capable of facilitating the UX of mobile applications.

Puglia Region PO FESR 2007-2013 – Long-term implementation program for 2007-2010 period

Axis I – Promotion, enhancement, and dissemination of research and innovation for competitiveness – Line 1.1 Action 1.1.3 “Aid for innovative oprerating small businesses”

Inherent services research and development of new technologies and new production processes in the field of information technology, telematics, multimedia, and broadcasting.