Gartner, the worldwide trusted advisor for technological research and consulting has profiled more than 150 companies around the world in order to release the new Vendor ID Toolkit for Natural Language Technologies. A tool designed to help buyers in their selection of vendors providing services, solutions, and platforms across the Natural Language Technology (NLT) Ecosystem.
CEDAT85, already listed for 4 consecutive years in other Gartner reports such as Hype Cycle for Natural Language Technologies 2021 and Market Guide for Speech to Text solutions 2020, is one of a select few Italian companies identified by Gartner analysts following market research and client interactions which demonstrated the potential of its solutions in the field of Natural Language Processing.
Since its international expansion started in 2017 and the launch of its ground breaking solution CABOLO® in 2019, CEDAT85 has added over 300 new CABOLO® customers to its portfolio. Moreover, CEDAT85 has established a network of technology partners, creating a valuable ecosystem to support organisations in using voice as a corporate information asset and data for business purposes.