Mediamonitor’s analysis. Among the various non-Rai channels, it was Sky that devoted most attention to the festival.
The Sanremo Festival 2024 was record-breaking not only in terms of ratings but also in all media. According to an analysis by Mediamonitor, the Entry Festival of Sanremo received 48,444 mentions in national and local media, which is equivalent to one mention every 12 seconds during the period of the festival.
The most frequently mentioned singers were Angelina Mango (1,177 mentions), who went on to win the singing competition, along with Geolier (1153) and Annalisa (942), practically repeating the podium.
However, the similarities with the final Sanremo classification end here: fourth place, at least in the media, is the prerogative of Mahmood (807), who precedes Loredana Bertè (732), winner of the Critics’ Prize named after her sister Mia Martini, while Ghali, whose call to stop genocide has become a political case, is sixth with 697 mentions. Diodato, who has returned to Sanremo four years after ‘Fai rumore’, is in seventh place (508), followed by Irama (473), Fiorella Mannoia, winner of the ‘Sergio Bardotti’ award for best lyrics with her ‘Mariposa’ (422) and, in tenth and last place, the timeless and wild Ricchi e Poveri (408).
This figure emerges from the monitoring carried out by Mediamonitor, a platform using technology and solutions developed by Cedat85, a company that has been active for over 35 years in the provision of speech content.
Analysing the individual television channels, excluding the RAI channels, we discover that SkyTG24 alone covered the Festival more than all the Mediaset networks put together, mentioning the event 146 times against the total 138 of Canale 5, Rete 4 and Italia 1, while La7 beat TgCom24 64 to 58.