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Whistleblowing Disclosures


Whistleblowing regulates the sending and management of reports with the aim of:

  • Supporting the Company in the effective management of any conduct contrary to the company’s ethical standards and regulations that is being reported;
  • Ensuring adequate protection of the whistleblower and the reported person;
  • Incentivising whistleblowing and promoting its proper use;
  • Provide the whistleblower (whistleblower) with clear operational instructions on how to use the platform, while highlighting the forms of protection offered to him/her by our system.

For these purposes, Cedat85 is committed to removing those factors that may hinder or discourage the use of the whistleblowing tool by individuals who, in the context of their work, have become aware of unlawful conduct or other violations provided for by law, and omit to report them for fear of suffering repercussions and prejudicial consequences, or have doubts about the rules to be followed.

In order to encourage reporting, Reports of violations, even anonymous ones, may be taken into account if they demonstrate the seriousness and credibility of the issue raised, as well as the likelihood that the fact is confirmed by reliable sources.

The Report must not take an insulting tone or contain personal insults or moral judgments intended to offend or harm the honour and/or personal and/or professional decorum of the person or persons to whom the reported facts refer.

In the case of sending prohibited Reports, you are informed that the confidentiality of the identity of the Whistleblower as well as the other measures of protection of the Whistleblower provided for by Cedat85 may not be guaranteed.

Whistleblowing Link https://Cedat85srl.whistleblowing.name