We chatted with Alberto, Project Manager of subsidised finance. In Cedat85 since 2004, he deals with fundraising. Over the years he has achieved great results, so much so that he declares: “since I have been working here we have invested around 30 million Euros in research”. “I graduated in Political Science with a specialisation in economics and immediately after graduating I started working for a consulting company. Soon I decided to open a professional studio in my country because I couldn’t handle the mad work rhythms that were imposed on me: for me the freedom and the management of my time are worth more than any salary”.
Alberto is the person who identifies the calls for funding, draws up the business plans and builds the projects to be presented: “Up to now, all the projects we have presented have been approved. In reality, the hardest part of the job is not presenting our ideas but reporting the expenses flawlessly. It is necessary to report the budget ratios for participation requirements: in addition to the drafting and reporting of the project, it is necessary to do a budget analysis to understand if during the year we remain within the established ranges”. He has a great passion for the countryside and loves to devote himself to the garden and to long walks or bike rides. “During the weekend I try to turn off the phone and completely disconnect from work, but if there are urgent situations Alberto is available!”. He tells of his colleagues as if they were a second family: “We have all known each other for years and between us, in parallel with our work, a deep bond has been forged. We often find ourselves sharing convivial moments, outside the work environment. Then of course it also happens to discuss or confront each other heatedly. Unfortunately or fortunately, I am very frank and I happen to have my say even when I shouldn’t. But on the other hand, clashes also take place in the family, indeed, they occur above all between people who are in great confidence. And then the comparisons make both individuals and teams grow and evolve”.
Alberto’s next goal is ambitious and high: “I would like Cedat85 to start investing in the social sector, helping those who have not had and cannot have what we may take for granted. We, as a company, have abundantly achieved extraordinary and unexpected goals, for example we have been chosen for the real-time transcription and translation services of the plenary sessions of the European Parliament. It is right to lend a hand to those who need it most”. We are ready to bet that Alberto will continue to bring great results to Cedat85 and to do so with a heart aimed at everyone’s needs.