After graduating from language studies in Milan and completing a Master’s Degree in European studies in Brussels, Anna Rita returned to her San Vito. “Coming home was wonderful,” she told us when we met her. “I have an office 300 meters from home, a dream. I rediscovered my local dimension and I’m happy with it. When I feel like escaping, however, I flee to Milan or Brussels, the places where I was trained ”.
Anna Rita explains what she does: “When I arrived in Cedat85 I was exclusively involved in creating multimedia reviews for the European Parliament. Then I started collaborating on the creation of multimedia reviews for the Chamber of Deputies. If we talk about old media, that is TV and radio, the media monitoring capacity has developed more and more, up to the activities with What is it about? The are the regional communications committees. We perform a local broadcasting monitoring service and carry out both a quantitative and qualitative analysis of political and social pluralism. In practice, we identify the infringements committed by broadcasters during the electoral periods, highlighting the non-compliance with Par Condicio rules. Everything we produce is sent to the regional committees which then share everything with AGCOM ”.
Passionate about politics, Anna Rita is a city councillor. She is fortunate to have a job that is absolutely close to her sensitivity and her interests, in a continuum that goes from her passion for public life to her professional role: “I really like creating reviews for the Chamber of Deputies. It is a job that allows me to deal with very timely topics and I really feel that this job enriches me. What I absorb and learn while working I transfer it to my institutional role, I am really lucky “.
She is a real mine of vitality and interests: “I love to write, indeed: I am really a failed writer! In fact, my passion for writing was born when I realised that I would never make it as a volleyball player and I decided to travel and write articles dedicated to the world of volleyball. I have followed various volleyball teams around the world and writing remains one of the things I most like to do”.
Her job requires constant monitoring and completely disconnecting is difficult, but Anna Rita manages to find time for everything: “I train at six in the morning and as soon as I can I go cycling or playing paddle. I am also an unrepentant traveler and I am already planning the next trip!”. There are people who seem to have fifty-six hour days and Anna Rita is definitely one of them.