The Challenge
PinPoint Research
Pinpoint Research is a US-based leader in Voice Driven Research and the collection, processing, and analysis of contact centre voice data. To enhance its speech-to-text solution offerings, PinPoint Research has partnered with Cedat85 for developing a new Spanish version of its Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) solution, which provides contact centres transcriptions of voice recordings for speech analytics applications.
The ASR speech synthesis platform was developed for contact centres in North America and Latin America serving healthcare providers, utilities, telecommunications companies, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, and other organisations for which Spanish language voice support is essential.
Cedat85's Solution
The new solution delivers extremely accurate transcription in real time, with a 37% higher accuracy rate than the leading Interactive Voice Response (IVR) solutions available in the market.
In addition to providing real-time processing, the solution developed by Cedat85 and PinPoint is equipped with a certified control system that measures transcription accuracy and offers statistical reports on number of variables such as type of phone used, geography, language etc.
The platform can also automatically monitor and edit personal data and PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) from text transcripts, and be integrated into omnichannel data collection and analytics systems, leveraging a robust API architecture.