November 2, 2022 Automatic Speech Recognition and Successful Uses Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has many usage options and applications. It is not just for business professionals but also for personal services as well. Companies as well as i...
March 30, 2022 Cedat85 included in the Gartner Partner Finder platform. Cedat85 is now among the companies included in the prestigious Gartner Partner Finder platform, a global business ecosystem that creates value from technology and innovation. By jo...
October 27, 2021 Speech-to-Text: what is it, what is it for, who is it for? With accuracy rates now exceeding 99%, Speech-to-Text solutions are the new frontier for businesses looking for new ways to improve their productivity and deliver satisfying experi...
April 26, 2021 CABOLO: a new adv campaign on the TV channel La7 and the newspaper Starting from today, we have decided to make a bigger audience aware about CABOLO, the smartest, fastest, safest and most intelligent way to record and transcribe any meeting, thro... News about:
October 14, 2020 Cedat85 at the European Parliament The consortium led by Cedat85 won the first place in a tender for the automatic transcription and translation in the 24 languages in use of debates in the Euro-parliamentary chambe... News about: